Joined: 29 Nov 2003
Posts: 8482
Location: UK
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:46 pm Help Us Change For The Better - Display and Usability
Dear Crushers,
We have noticed a few newer members had problems navigating our site and would like everyone's help on making improvements that will help everyone.
You may (or may not) notice that the very top menu (the red boxed area) has changed very slightly.
I have made the following minor changes:-
- The font/type-size used for the menu words is slightly bigger
- The words are in Upper Case (well actually what is called Small Caps)
- The words are now bold
These are just a few small changes and I'm happy to continue changing them further (or remove / adjust this change) based on your feedback.
So, I would be most grateful if you could please VOTE on what you think about this slightly changed (hopefully easier to read) menu.
If the majority of votes are "Better now" or "Fine Either Way" then the changes will stay. Only if the majority of votes are "Worse Now" - then I will back-out the changes (or try something slightly different).
I would very much appreciate if you could vote over the next 14 days (by 23rd November 2016) - as most members should have seen this by then.
On 24th November, the changes will either stay or go based on your votes so please vote ASAP (or take a couple of days to try it out).
Any other feedback / suggestions will be greatly appreciated in order to irmprove the view / display of CC (only suggestions for these type of things in this topic please).
Many thanks everyone and Happy Gaming Always!
Last edited by crushadmin on Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
Joined: 05 Mar 2016
Posts: 6
Location: Oklahoma City
Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:39 pm -
I think it would be hilarious to design our own custom made slot m,achine with each new cpntest winners picture as the most valuable addition to what the member wins in the contest. whatcha think