23rd Apr 2024
12:39 (EST)
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We are often asked how we pay prizes and so this page has been put together to answer these questions.

Our main mission is to pay everything as soon as we physically are able to - this is something we have stuck to from our first day of having contests with prizes.

MINIMUM PAYMENT THRESHOLD: $20 in accumulated prizes (this can include prizes from Poker Crush and Bingo Crush if you have the same username at all forums)

Any prize payments will only be made when you have at least the MINIMUM PAYMENT THRESHOLD amount (above).

Also, of course we need to have received our advertising payments in order to make payments to our members.

Generally, prize payments for each method are as follows (but this depends on many factors including when advertisers pay and how and availability of the person making payments (Geno/crushadmin).

Payment Method Required Payment Account Information Available for Payments made
(Click here to visit)
Email Address Only * All non-USA and non-Canada Residents. (must be a Certified account)
(We incur transaction charges)
Generally around the middle of each month
(Click here to visit)
Email Address Only * Available to all members. Please note that some members may incur a charge when receiving money via PayPal. Because this depends on your Paypal status and we can't tell this when sending money - WE DO NOT PAY THE CHARGES - SORRY but it's too complicated .
TIP: You can fund your Netspend Prepaid Card using Paypal - Click here for instructions!! (opens in a new window)

Generally twice during the month 1st and 3rd week.
Intertops Sportsbook and Casino
INTERTOPS via User2User payment

(Click here to signup)

Your Intertops Login ID + a SPACE + Your Surname
(e.g. If your Intertops Login were GG12345 and surname is SMITH you will enter the following in the Payment Account field:-



The SURNAME is required in addition as a security measure for this payment system at Intertops to ensure that the correct account is credited.

Available to all members. This works via the new Player transfer option now available (called User2User (see image below) in the Payout area of the Intertops Cashier).

Intertops User2User

When a payment is made this way it is transferred immediately to your Sportsbook balance. You can then do what you like with the money - deposit (with or without a bonus) via the Chip Transfer as you normally do after depositing or withdraw to your preferred payment method.

Generally one payment run during the 1st (or sometimes 2nd) week of the month.
(Click here to visit)
UPayCard username

Available to all members.

It is very important that you double-check this before submitting as any money sent to an incorrect account can not be recovered.

Generally around the middle of each month.


The following is a guide of how we prioritise payments, however it also depends on other factors including:-
- Daily Transaction limits (number of transactions and values of transactions)
- Which accounts have had funds paid in by the casinos we advertise (we get money paid into different accounts so that we can then pay contest winnings via the different payment methods).
- Funds available at the time of paying.

"Why did so and so get paid before me because you said this... ".... ?

Sometimes it looks like we've paid someone before we should have paid you but this is most often because of one of the following reasons:-

- They have a different payment method and we only had funds to pay from that account - as soon as we have money in the account for your method it will be paid.

- Sometimes if they are the same method, perhaps their prize was lower. Say we only had $30 left in our account but two members (one with $30 and one with $50 worth of prizes), we would pay the $30 even if it was later because this always ensures we are paying everything as soon as we can.


Casino Gambling Forum. Free cash and casino accounts contests. Bonus offers and exclusives. No Deposit Casino, Bingo and Poker Freerolls